External parties

Dear visitor,

BeeVee is the study association for all biologists of the Radboud University Nijmegen. We are a very active association with approximately 600 members of whom around 200 are actively engaged in organizing activities for the association through one or more committees. We organize both social activities and educational activities and we are always in search of companies, research institutes and other parties to work together with. 

BeeVee collaborates with companies with both workshops and companytrips. Most workshops happen during the break, in which some representatives from a company come by and inform our students about potential internships or future job opportunities or give lectures to our students. For a company trip BeeVee organizes a day in which our students come to visit a company site and observe labs, industrial processes or other aspects of the company. For other types of businesses BeeVee collaborates in the form of joined activities or getting members a discount for ticket prices. 

BeeVee also offers promotion in the forms of: Biweekly newsletter, Promotion group app, website, Instagram, LinkedIn page, Facebook page and our association magazine, called the MOTjE. We are always open to new ideas and prepared to work these new ideas out with you as well.

BeeVee also offers collaborations for the orientation week, in which we offer printed logos on the shirts of around 150 participants as well as sponsoring in the form of items for the goodie bags of the intro participants. 

If you have any questions or are interested in a collaboration with BeeVee, please send an email to beevee_cer@science.ru.nl or fill out the contact form and I, the Commissioner External Relations will reply back as soon as possible. I look forward to your emails. 


Sterre Daas

Commissioner External Relations

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