“Vaste Activiteiten Commissie voor Universitair Onderwijs Leuke Excursies en Spelletjes”

Or: VACUOLES. Also known as: Pearl of BeeVee.VACUOLES

You have stumbled on the introduction page of one of the best committees in existence: VACUOLES.

Every two/three weeks we meet up to enjoy a meal, drink some beer and… come up with a list of marvellous activities for all biologists to enjoy!

So what do we do?

Besides an abundant number of educational activities, such as a bird-excursion, a mushroom-excursion, an edible-plants-excursion, a zoo-excursion and a night-excursion (with bat-detectors to recognize bats by their ultra-sonar sounds), VACUOLES is extremely active on another level which a right-minded biologist should be familiar with since they wore diapers; games!

A themed pubcrawl, Who is the mole?, marioparty, a halloween ghost tour through the forest, a yearly poolcompetition and Waalbeach BBQ are just a few examples of the amazing activities that VACUOLES organizes besides their fun excursions.

After reading this page, everyone can only draw one conclusion: VACUOLES Rules TUTUDUTU!

Mail this commitee:

Noémie Burgers

Astrid Moosmüller
Aviera Karamat
Camiel Gilissen
Jasper van Boxtel
Jeannette Clewits
Laic Weijnen
Leo Chepujnoski
Marianne Obers
Noah Terhoeve
Noémie Burgers
Pim Hendriks
Renske Stevens
Sophie Hop
Willemijn Kuijper
Yulia Kiryukhina

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