Every year Symci, the symposiumcommittee of BeeVee, organizes an afternoon filling symposium, which is accessible for everyone with biological interest. One biological theme will be the center of attention during this day and renowned lecturers from over the whole country will come to speak about this theme. A few examples of previous years are: ‘Addicted to Biology’, our lustrum symposium ‘The Big Five’, ‘sExtreme’, 'The Dark side of Biology', 'Be, Behave, Behaviour' and 'Back to the Future'. When possible a matching workshop will be given, which is ought to give the symposium an extra dimension. Examples of workshops given are a workshop meditation, but also salsa dancing.
Lectures and other activities
Next to the annual symposium, lectures about current subjects are organized by Symci. Examples of which are a lecture about cancer detection with the use of blood, life in the deep sea, biotechnology and skin regeneration and burn scars. Furthermore, Symci organizes tours to the telescopes in the Huygensbuilding and to the central animal lab (part of the RadboudUMC, across the street). For upcoming events, please check the BeeVee calendar or the newsletter!
Want to know more or become a member?
Do you have questions about our activities, do you want to help in the organization or do you have any tips? Please email us via!
Mail this committee:
Liz van Genderen
Nele Borowski
Liz van Genderen
Elia Konovalov
Sabien Suy
Emma Valgimigli
Patrycja Wypych
Zander Geerman