Descriptions board functions

The board of BeeVee consists of seven members, divided over six functions. On this page the generals duties of the board and the duties of each function are described. The exact duties of each function are further described in the house rules.

General tasks

There are several general tasks which are not specifically assigned to one of the board functions, but rather apply to every board member. The board has a meeting every other week to discuss the ongoings of the association and share their progress. 

Every workday from 12:30 h to 13:00 h, at least one board member will be present in the board room (HG00.524) to answer any question you might have.

Furthermore the board is responsible for organising the general meeting of members (GMM) where the members are informed on the ongoings of the association and have the opportunity to share their own points of discussion.

The exact obligations of the board are recorded in the house rules.


The chairman leads the board meetings and the general meeting of members.

It is the chairman's task to make sure that board meetings are structured, discussions are productive, good conclusions are drawn and tasks are divided proportionally. It is of importance that all ongoing tasks are accounted when appointing new ones. It is also the chairman's task to have an overview over all the things happening in the association and the chairman is ultimately responsible for those things.

The chairman also leads the general meeting of members (GMM), which is normally held twice per year. The chairman has to make sure the colletive opinion of the board is well represented but also that the opinion and input of each member is taken into consideration. The chairman has to give everybody a chance to speak and has to draw clear conclusions from the discussions. In advance of the GMM the chairman has to make sure all the pieces are written and has to prepare for any questions which might be asked by the GMM. 

To know what is happening in the association at all times the chairman has close contact with all other board members. The chairman also tries to attend a lot of activities because he or she is, after all, the face of the association.

Furthermore the chairman is the contact for the umbrella association Olympus.

Email address of the chairman:


The secretary has a lot of important duties within the associations and its board. The secretary maintains the member administration: when someone becomes a member their personal information is gathered in a secure online member administration. 

The secretary is also responsible for all the mail BeeVee receives, both digitally and in paper. He or she collects all mail from the mail room and distributes it to the other board members. All e-mails are also distributed by the secretary among all other board members. By doing this the secretary is in control of all incoming mail which saves the rest of the board a lot of spam.

The secretary is also responsible for minuting every board meeting and general meeting of members.

To inform every member of about the ongoings of the association the secretary writes a newsletter every other week.

Another important task of the secretary is maintaining contact with all of BeeVee's brothers (other beta study associations in Nijmegen) and sisters (other biology study associations in the Netherlands).

Email address of the secretary:


The treasurer is in control of all things concerning money. The treasurer pays bills, makes the budget and monitors the expenses and incomes of the committees. If there is too much cash money present the treasurer goes to the bank to deposit. The treasurer makes invoices and makes sure that subsidies and sponsorship money are deposited. The treasurer keeps track of all the money coming in and going out in an accounting programme and is responsible for the merchandise sold by BeeVee.

Once a week the treasurer has an invoice hour. During this hour committee chairmen and committee treasurers can come by and invoice any advances they have made. The treasurer has a lot of contact with committee chairmen and committee treasurers to discuss new or big expenditures and the chairman ultimately decides on these matters. 

Furthermore the treasurer contacts the educational insitute for Biosciences apply for subsidies for following calender year.

Twice per year the treasurer makes an overview of all finances of the association. These reports are presented during the general meeting of members. 

Email address of the treasurer:

Commissioner education and study materials (ces)

The commissioner education and study materials (ces) is responsible for everything concerning the sale of study books and study materials. The ces gives BeeVee members (and non members) the possibility to order study books. To do this the ces has to figure out which books the students need and maintains contact with the book supplier. The ces also supplies study materials. For this the ces maintains contact with companies and makes sure that students get their study materials at the best price.

The ces also has to make sure he or she is aware of all things which are happening in the education and the faculty. This is why the cer joins the active biologists consultation (ABO) and if possible the programme committee (PC) and also maintains contact with the faculty student council (FSC). The ces attends pre-PC meetings every month (during this meeting student members of the PC discuss points which they want discuss during the PC meetings). The ces can also decide to attend the faculty wide consultation. This is a consultation between all educational committees of the faculty which is held every six weeks. The ces also makes sure that the contact between ABO and the PC goes well. Furthermore the ces attends the monthly meetings of the national committee for biology students (LOBS), where biology students from all across the country gather to exchange information regarding education. The ces does not only inform the board of all his or her findings, but informs all members. Maintaining the study page of the website is also one of the duties of the ces.

Email address of the commissioner education and study materials:

Commissioner external relations (cer)

The commissioner of external relations (cer) tries to find sponsorship deals for the association and direct sponsorship for committees. These tasks can be quite challenging.

The cer contacts companies in several ways. For example by writing, mailing, calling or by visiting in person. To ensure succes a lot of companies have to be approached. For a company to want to collaborate the cer has to convince the company of the benefits this collaboration can have for them. Companies can benefit from a collaboration with BeeVee in several ways. They can advertise in several media provided by BeeVee such as the association magazine, Facebook or the weekly news letter. It is also possible for companies to give lectures or to organize trips to their company. Furthermore there are a lot of creative ideas the cer can implenent him- or herself. This means the feb has to stay active and motivated. When the goings get rough the rest of the board will always be there to help the cer wherever possible.

The cer is also responsible for maintaining contact with the biologist bar where the biologist's night is held every Thursday evening. The cer also maintains contact with other study associations in Nijmegen during the cooperation consultation for faculty associations (SOFv) and is the contact for the Alumnicommittee (Ac)

Besides this the cer is also responsible for maintaining the LinkedIn page of BeeVee. 

Email address of the commissioner external relations:

Commissioners internal relations (cir)

BeeVee has a lot of committees and because of this the board has two commissioners of internal relations (cirs). They are members of Internal Relations (IR) aswell. During the IR-meetings, the cirs maintain contact with the chairmen of the committees of BeeVee. The cirs will alternately chair and take minutes of the meeting. The aim of these meetings is to have an overview of all activities being organised and to make sure that there is no overlap between these activities. It is also the task of the cirs to make that the right amount of activities are organised. The final goal of these meetings is that the cirs are the link between the board and the committees of BeeVee. This makes sure that information between the two parties can be exchanged.

The cirs also organise the annual board weekend together with IR, the active member party (AMP), the honorary member party (HMP), and thank and make presents for ex-committee-chairmen and committee member who have quit. The cirs try to attend as many activities as possible to get an overview of how activities are liked and what members are interested in.

Besides this the cirs are also responsible for the different promotion channels that BeeVee uses, such as WhatsApp and Instagram. 

Email address of the commissioners internal relations: