
Couple the BeeVee Calender to your own via this link.

Upcoming activities:

What date? Who? What? Where? What time?
01-06 BOS aBOSs the border Toverland All day
04-06 VACUOLES Waalbeach bbq Waalbeach 18:30 - 19:30
05-06 PRAC/ MOTjE et al., Almanac Borrel Huygens Building 16.00-20.30
06-06 Board Themed Bioevening Sjors & Sjimmie 21:00 - 00:00
12-06 ABO Study Together Session Huygens Buidling Afternoon

If you have remarks or suggestions for this page, feel free to email

  • Committee Market

    Do you want to join an amazing committee? If you want to get to know the committees that BeeVee has and join some open meetings to maybe join some of them come to the Committee Market to see all that BeeVee has to offer. 

  • ABO's Crazy Scientists

    Hello and welcome to ABO's gathering of crazy scientists! This evening (13/09) we will be performing our greatest experiments together such as creating lava lamps, vulcano lemons, toothpaste for our giant grey familairs, tiny rocket engines and more!

  • Welcome to our swamp borrel!

    Welcome to our SWAMP borrel! The first borrel of the year. Come and have some cheap drinks and snacks. Chat with your friends and meet your fellow Biologist. The borrel will take place in the North Canteen. See you there :)

  • FYCasino night

    Hello all gamblers!!

    We as the FYC invite to to our last activity, the amazing FYCasino night!! The night of the 20th of September will be full of casino games like Poker Texas Holdem and Black Jack! You can come to the bar from 20.30 and the activity will end at 22.30. Make sure to dress up fancy and join us for this beautiful night at the Cafe Van Buren. After that you're of course welcome to join us in the city and say goodbye to the First Year Committee!

    The entry is free! And you can sign up for the activity on the BeeVee website after you log in:)

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us on or approach us at uni!

    Hope to see you there!

  • ATP beachvolleyball

    Are you prepared to win the biggest beach volleyball championship this year? Do you want to enjoy It and share with your friends? Come and register for only €5. You could be this year's winner, don't miss it and join beachvolleyball with ATP.

    The ticketsale will take place from 11-09 until 15-09 during the break in wing 5.

  • BarbEnheimer Party

    Come to this year’s 1st Fc party and show us your Atomic Kenergy! ✨ 💣

  • Pre-GMM

    During the Pre-GMM the Biannual report and the financial biannual report will be discussed already, before the GMM on October 11th!

  • Who is the mole?

    Get ready for the ultimate mind-bending adventure as contestants race against each other while unraveling cryptic clues and navigating intense challenges in the electrifying Dutch gameshow 'Wie is de mol?'. But watch out, because hidden among them is the enigmatic 'mole' determined to sabotage their every move!

    So sign up with a group of 6 to 8 people before the 17th of september!


  • LAN and gameS Day Party

    It's the time of year again, the quarter in which the website committee hosts its gaming activity! We bring you the LAN-and-gameS-Day-party (better name pending?) on which you can play video games like Mario Kart, Smash Bros and Just Dance on our Switches and Wiis. Compete against your friends in the (free!!) Mario Kart tournament, for which you can win a prize!

    From 17:00 until 20:30, on the 3rd of October, you are welcome in the North canteen to enjoy this activity. Bring your own consoles (or games) if you'd like or grab a board game from the South canteen if that's more your cup of tea. The bar of the North canteen will be open to order a beer, or grab some free lemonade or cotton candy!

    It is possible to order food beforehand to eat at the activity: you can fill in the form when logged in the website and we’ll make sure the food can be collected and paid for at 18:00 at the bar. The deadline for ordering food is Monday the 2nd of October, 23:59.

    We'd love to see you gamer boiz, gurlz and nonbinary palz at the activity!

  • Break Lecture: the great white plague

    We all know about the “black death” of medieval ages, but did you know that there is an even greater plague that still haunts us to this day? The great white plague, alias tuberculosis, plagued humans for thousands of years and it still kills ~1.5 million people each year.

    Want to know more? Come to the lecture where dr Robert Jansen will give an introduction into Mycobacterium and the fight to end tuberculosis once and for all

  • Plant cutting exchange

    Looking for a way to decorate your room? Or are you already drowning in plants? Come to the plant cuttings exchange borrel by Marie Curie and BeeVee on the 10th of october from 16:30 onward in the North Canteen.


    During the plant cutting exchange, you can bring your own cuttings of plants, which you can then exchange for new ones. Depending on the plant that you bring (the size and rarity of the species), you will receive one, two or three coins per cutting.  From 17:30 onwards, these coins can then be used to “buy” new plants during the exchange part.

    As it is a plant cutting exchange, we would strongly encourage you to bring your own plants to be exchanged! It is however also possible to buy coins that you can exchange for cuttings if you don’t have any cuttings yourself (or forgot to bring plants). The extra plants are all donated and the money generated from that will be donated to the Waddenvereniging! It is handy if you bring cash for buying extra coins.

    While you are there, there is a very nice borrel organized that is the perfect chance to get to know people from the other study association and bond over your passion of plants. There will also be some games during the borrel that might help you get to know your fellow students.

    VERY IMPORTANT: bring a closable container/plastic bag/ pot with you, so you can transport your plant to and from the borrel!

    And for the ones who don’t know how to make plant cuttings yet, there are more than enough tutorials online. But here is already a helpful site (

  • Biannual GGM

    Dear member,

  • SPIngo

  • Excursion

    This year VACUOLES and Kultuur will join forces to organize a spectacular excursion through the city of Nijmegen.

    During this excursion we will not only show the cultural highlights of the city centre, but also the beautiful city nature with an urban ecology tour. In order to make the excursion even better, we will also have a small picknick with a nice and freshly prepared lunch!

    So come join this beautiful excursion and sign-up via this webpage (you have to logged in to be able to see the 'enroll' button).

  • Take a chance on me borrel

    The take a chance on me borrel!
    Come enjoy the bingo and win some amazing prizes. The bingo is from 16:00 till 19:30, with every purchase of a drink you will receive a ticket. You need the ticket for the lottery that will take place at 19:30. Maybe you have the ticket to win an amazing prize!!

    Also food can be orderd from the professor. The food can be orderd from 16:00 till 17:50 in the North canteen! For the food ordering you can only pay by card.

  • October BeestFeest

    Liebe Freunde,

  • Presale Waddenvereniging Merch

    The Presale for the charity merch is finally here!

  • Internship Market

    Looking for an internship? Or havent even started looking for one yet? Either way, the best way to find one, or get yourself orientated is visiting the internship market! This market is organised by the university (internship coordinators) and will bring you in direct contact with companies and departments that offer all kind of Internships. The internship market is open to both Bachelor's and Master's students! There will be talks, a market and a borrel afterwards, in case you want to ask someone personally where to apply for your dream internship ;) Dont miss it: Join for free on October the 25th, from 12:30 onwards in the southstreet! (Talks start at 13:30)

  • Study Together Session

    Come study together at ABO's amazing quarterly study together session.

    We will have free coffee, tea, fruit and cookies. We will also provide good study vibes and TA's to help you with any lingering questions.
    The TA's that will be present are for all first-year courses (statistics, plants, and animals), as well as for Animal Physiology (second-years). See you all soon :)

    Good luck with the exams everyone!

  • After Exam Chilling

    Done with exams and ready to relax? Join the after exam chilling on the 3rd of November in the North canteen for some coffee, tea and cookies. Wind down with your friends and play some board games! No sign up required and the activity is completely free! Kisses, the 38th Board

  • aBOSs the border

    Always wanted to sit on a bike with 13 other people? Join us on a bike tour across the border to Germany on the 4th of November! 
    With you and your fellow students, we will bike with clubtrolleys from Groesbeek to Kranenburg and back, enjoying free lunch and drinks while pedalling and chatting!
    We will start at 11am in Nijmegen and be back around 4pm. You can get your ticket in wing 5 or online.
    See you in November!

  • Tinder Party

    The nights are getting longer and colder and with the festive season around the corner, aren’t we all looking for some more ‘gezelligheid’? 🔥👀 Leave all the datingapps at home and come join Fc on the 6th of November for our Tinder party at Van Buren! Dress up as in the colour of your relationship status: 🔴 Are you in a committed relationship and already planned your wedding? 🟠 Is your situationship as complicated as organic chemistry? 🟢 Or are you (happily) single and ready to mingle? We welcome you from 22:00 with a free welcomeshot, so don’t be late because as we say in Dutch op=op (limited) 🤪 Don’t forget to bring your ID and BeeVee membercard ❗ Entrance fee is 2 euro for BeeVee members and 3 euro for externals in cash 💶❗ There will be a guarded wardrobe at the side entrance of the citylockers, so no need to cycle home in the cold after the party 🥳 We hope to see you all at the Tinder party on the 6th!  Love, Fc 🦇💛

  • LAN-night Olympus

    Hi all!

  • Board Interest Borrel

    Do you want to become a board member of the next BeeVee board? Then join us at the Board Interest Borrel to get to know us and to ask us all you questions about a BeeVee board year!

  • 1st information meeting

    BOS is busy preparing an exciting study trip to Budapest. Are you a traveling enthusiast, adventurous ecologist or curious medical biologist? Then this trip will be perfect for you!

    Want to know more about the trip?
    Join the 1st information meeting on 13/11 during the break in HG00.071. Here we will explain what we will be doing on the trip as well as give some information on the price.

    If you want to get to know BOS check out our Instagram: bos_beevee

  • Dinner Rouler

    A fun way of getting to know older years including food?! It can't get any better right?
    The amazing Dinner Rouler of FYC is back and we need you to make this activity fantastic! 

  • Forgive our sins-troduction borrel

    Did something secret or foolish happen during the introduction week? Join the forgive our sins-troduction borrel on the 16th of November from 16:00 until 20:30 in the North Canteen. MOTjE et Al. will hand out their memorientation, where DIAFRAGMA presents a page dedicated to the introduction week in collaboration with BOC. If you dress up in your introduction shirt/ mentor shirt you will get two free drinks, this counts for all the years of Biology!!!

    It is also possible to participate in the Borrelrelay. You will do a relay with four people to drink a beverage as fast as possible. The amount of rounds is decided as soon as we know how many teams participate. The sign up can be done at the borrel and the best team will win a prize!!


  • Theme Bio-evening

    After your sins have been forgiven at the borrel, you can choose a side at the Angels & Devils Theme Biologists Evening! See you there!👼🏽👹🩵

  • Stargazing Tour

    Symci has their annual stargazing tour on the 20th of November! Join for a fun evening with a nice dinner, while seeing the beautiful stars and sky up close on our Huygens telescopes. If you want to join for dinner, it will start at 18:15 in the South Canteen and the tour starts at 19:00, we will meet up for that at the pendulum. The tour is free. The spots are unfortunately all taken, so you can't register anymore.

  • Battle of the Betas

    Dear betas, it is time to return to battle. Show that your association is the smartest of them all in the upcoming pubquiz the Battle of the Betas! The battle will take place in Cafe Samson on Tuesday the 21st of November, starting at 20:00.
    Each association's study, together with one mystery round, will form the subjects that determine which team will be victorious in eight rounds of brutal quizzing. Assemble your team and sign up using this form:

  • Board Interest Lunch

    Join the Board interest Lunch on 22-11 in HG00.068! Get free lunch, participate in a BeeVee themed kahoot and learn more about the board functions and what a board year in BeeVee is like 🩵💙

  • Beertasting

    Join VACUOLES for a delightful evening of beer exploration at De Blauwe Druif on 28 November at 19:30. Our beertasting event promises a rich variety of flavors, where craft brews take center stage. Gather with fellow beer lovers in the cozy ambiance of In De Blauwe Druif and indulge in a carefully curated selection of beers. The knowledgeable hosts will guide you through a sensory journey, offering insights into each brew’s unique character. The ticket sale will take place on 14-17 November in wing 5 during the break (first come first serve!), so make sure you grab a ticket so that you can savor, learn, and appreciate the art of brewing. Cheers!

  • Open Mic

    Kultuur's annual Open Mic is a talent show for members and friends of BeeVee, where people can showcase their talents to their fellow biologists, while others can enjoy the vibes.

  • Test, pls ignore

    Hoi, this is a test, please ignore.
    If you spend money, here you will not get it refunded.

  • ATP High school gymclass

    Join the ATP High school gymclass! Run back the time and come play Apenkooien, dodgeball and many other fun games from your high school gym/PE class! Let's see if you can beat your friends in the games that you were so good at as a kid! Come and join for only €2! ATP is ready to organize the most fun gymclass ever!

  • Winter Wonderland Barbeque

    Winter is knocking on your door. How does having a cup of hot delicious gluhwein and a grilled sausage in good company sound?
    Beevee’s Ac would like to bring alumni and students together for a warming winter BBQ on the first of December. We will offer lots of delicious foods and a cozy place to chat with each other!

  • 2nd information meeting

    Update on the study trip to Budapest!

    During the 2nd information meeting BOS will give you more details about the study trip, but also about the sign up process to join the study trip.

  • Karaoke Party

    🎤✨ Get ready to hit the high notes and bring down the house at our Karaoke Party on December 5th, hosted at the legendary Roxy's! 🌟🎉 For just 2.5 euros (PIN only), immerse yourself in a night of musical fun from 22:00 to 3:00, where the stage is yours to shine. Dust off those vocal cords, pick your favorite tunes, and let the spotlight find you.

  • Poolcompetition

    Are you competitive and do you think you can beat everyone at pool? Come join VACUOLES in our annual pool competition! Pair up with a friend and sign up as a team (don’t forget to come up with an amazing team name ofc) on the 27th of November until the 1st of December during the break in wing 5! The tickets will be 6 euros per person. It will take place in House of Billiards on the 6th of December. The competition consists of multiple rounds played over the course of 3 hours: from 19:00 to 22:00. We would be happy to see you there!

  • Study trip (sign up)

    The sign-up for the BOS study trip to Budapest starts this Monday the 11th of December at 12:30! If you'd like to join the study trip make sure to be there with the contract & a copy of your ID or passport:

    - Print out & fill in the contract twice & bring both to the sign-up
    - Make sure the ID or passport you use for a copy is valid until after the study trip: the 5th of May 2024 (Do you get a new ID or passport soon? notify BOS!)

    If you'd like more information about the study trip itself, check out the presentations from the (first and second) information meetings or email any questions to

    We hope to see you there!
    BOS 🌳

  • Christmas movie night

    ✨🎄Get ready for another kultuur movie night! Join us for a heartwarming movie night featuring "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." Immerse yourself in the magical world of Whoville with a FREE treat of warm mulled wine (Gülwhein) and hot chocolate. BRING YOUR OWN CUP and blankets/ pillows for extra coziness. Let's gather, laugh, and embrace the holiday spirit together. The perfect way to kick off the festive season. See you there. 🍷🎅

  • Sea of Bioluminescence Lunch Lecture

    Ever been to an underwater light show? Us neither, but we can get you pretty close! Learn all about the marvelous tricks of dinoflagellates to turn the sea into a spectacular sight of sparkles and let dr. Mandy Velthuis take you on a magical journey underneath the water’s surface!

    Sparkling seas: marine bioluminescent phytoplankton
    The sea holds many ecological surprises. Perhaps, if you have been lucky, you were able to spot one of them at night: waves that light up when they reach the shore or tiny sparkles in the water when you walk or swim through it. These phenomena are caused by a cosmopolitan dinoflagellate species: Noctila scintillans. During this lecture, we will discover the bioluminescence of these dinoflagellates. What are the underlying physiological mechanisms and what do we know about its ecological functions? Furthermore, these sparkling creatures are also present in our Dutch coastal waters. Some tips and tricks for spotting them will be shared during the lecture as well.

    Join us on Wednesday the 13th of December in HG 00.303 during the break! Get your (vegetarian) lunch for only 2€ or simply enjoy some free tea/coffee and cookies with us. Don’t forget to bring your own mug!

  • DIAFRAGMA Popquiz

    DIAFRAGMA's Popquiz is back!

  • Frostbite Fest Bio Evening

    Deck the halls with boughs of holly, lalala, there a theme bio evening coming, lalala! Freeze your fingers on a cold drink at the Frostbite Fest theme biologists evening!❄️🩵🌨️

  • Free Hot Chocolate

    Indulge in the holiday spitrit! Join us for a cozy break on Tuesday, December 19th, in Wing 5. Keep yourself warm with hot chocolate and cookies. See you there! 🍪☕

  • All I want at the Christmas borrel is YOU

    All I want at the Christmas borrel is YOU!!!! The borrel where we celebrate Christmas with everyone and have the education awards organised by ABO. ABO also provides delicious free snacks and glühwein! Don't forget to vote for your favourite teacher.

    PRAC also will be raising money for the fundraising campaign serious request. This is organised by the Dutch radio station 3FM in collaboration with Red cross. Radio hosts lock themselves in a glass house, playing music and raising money for a charity. Every year the location of the glass house is somewhere else. This year it stands in Nijmegen. 

    The charity they are raising money for this year, is stichting ALS, a Dutch organization dedicated to raising awareness and funds for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a progressive neurodegenerative disease. This foundation is committed to supporting research into the causes and potential treatments for ALS, as well as providing assistance and care for individuals and families affected by the disease.
    During the borrel you can donate money for this cause!

    See you there!

  • Education Awards

    The Biology Education Awards are just around the corner!
    Do you want to show your appreciation to your favourite professor or other (background) staff employee within Biology? Or were there any courses that surprised you with how well organized and inviting their Brightspace page was? You can suggest and nominate those people that helped you receive some great education in the following survey (open 20/11 – 28/11):
    Once we process your suggestions, the voting will open in the following link:

    Don’t forget to attend this year’s Education Awards, on Tuesday, December 19, at 17:45, at HG00.307! Also, don’t miss PRAC’s Christmas Borrel to celebrate the occasion (you can also get a free drink if you attend the award ceremony ;) ) See you there!


  • Pre-sale BeeVee mugs

    Would you like a BeeVee mug? Enroll for the pre-sale and get your fantastic new mug!

  • ATP Iceskating

    Join the FREE* iceskating of ATP and Lacustris! Join now with your friends for one last cozy winteractivity before the end of the year! At Triavium Lacustris will give you an introduction into Iceskating, or just go for some free skating! Sign up from the 12th until the 15th of December in wing 5!

    See you there!

    *If you bring your studentcard. Iceskate-rental price is not included, so bring your own!

  • the SOUND of BeeVee

    This exam week the Sound of BeeVee competition will be held! If all your friends don't think you are a great listener, prove them wrong in this contest.

  • Study Together Session

    Come study together at this edition of ABO's amazing winter-themed study together session!


    Dear fellow biologists,

  • Save the Date: Parents Day

    Hello biologist!

    In the next academic year ABO will again organize a parentsday to show your family what it is like to study biology at the Radboud university.
    The day will be completely free including coffee and lunch.

    To allow international students to inform their families early (and possibly book tickets early) we already announced the date of the parentsday. Saturday the 24th of February 2024.
    However, keep in mind that the actual programme is still being worked on and is thus subject to change. To give you an overview of what to expect we will explain what the day was like in previous years.

    In the morning (not 8:30, we value your sleep) we will get together for a cup of coffee and afterwards follow three (short) lectures of different topics in biology. These will have a break in between. After the lectures we will have lunch with everyone and we will start our afternoon programme.
    We will make groups for in the afternoon that will alternate between a tour around the huygens building, including the greenhouse, and several practicals. Last year we had a microbiology practical, an animal practical (with optional rat dissection!) and a plant practical.
    At the very end of the day we will close with a short borrel where we can chat about the day, socialize and have a drink.

    Dependent on how many sign ups we get there will be a limit on the amount of people you can bring. You can always bring at least two people. These can be your parents but everyone's situation is different and especially for internationals it can sometimes be hard to bring certain family members. So feel free to bring your aunt, uncle, sister, brother, best friend etc instead.


  • FYCantus

    FYC presents: a St. Patrick's Cantus!🍻

  • Neurological disorders in the Petri dish: A lunch lecture

    We will provide sandwiches for lunch for €2,-. If you want to join lunch please sign up on the website.

    If you only want to join the lecture without lunch you are also welcome to bring your own!

    As always, we will provide you with free coffee, tea, and cookies. Don't forget to bring your own mug.

    The sign-up deadline is the 27th of February.

    The human brain is arguably our most fascinating organ. Millions and millions of little cells form the multiple complex structures that regulate everything from our conscious and instinctive behaviours to our hormones and memory. However, a defect in these delicate systems can have dire consequences. In our upcoming Symci lunch lecture, Professor Dirk Schubert will tell you how neuroscientists produce human induced pluripotent stem cells (hIPSCs), let them differentiate into human neuronal-glial networks in a petri dish, and investigate the basic mechanisms leading to neurological disorders, such as autism spectrum disorders or schizophrenia, and finally translate all this into clinical knowledge.

    In this lunch talk, professor Schubert will briefly discuss the general challenges involved in first identifying high-risk genes for neurodevelopmental disorders and how to subsequently learn more about how such genes impact the function of human neuronal networks, and how to identify potential therapeutical targets.

    See you on the 28th!

  • Pretty in Pastel Themed Bioevening

  • Ooijpolder Bird Excursion

    Hello, all nature-lovers!

    On the 3rd of March 2024, VACUOLES is organising a bird excursion in the Ooijpolder. This excursion is done by none other than Constant Swinkels, one of the organisers and lecturers of the 1st year course Biodiversity! Together we'll go on a nice walk through the Ooijpolder and spot the pretty birds that are found here.

    The excursion starts at 11:00 at the Hollandsch-Duitsch Gemaal (Dijkgraaf van Wijckweg 4, 6522 KS Nijmegen) and should take a few hours. Also feel free to bring parents, friends, and other non-BeeVee people to this lovely excursion!

    We will provide lunch (2 euros for members, 3 euros for non-members). If you would like to join the lunch you can indicate so in the sign-up form above. Please also fill it in if you don't want lunch but are still coming. This way we know how many people to expect and you'll receive a reminder in your mail. Unfortunately, there are no more spots left.

    Bring binoculars (if you have them), good shoes and of course a lot of bird-enthusiasm! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact VACUOLES.

    See you there!

  • SPIngo Alumni edition (ft. AC)

    Does your life feel like the life of your grandparents nowadays? Sitting inside all day and talking about the good old days, when we all could go to the Malle Babbe every day?
    Then let this activity be the final nail in the coffin of your personal dignity, put your scootmobiel in top gear, and race to the North canteen in Wing 5. SPIn and AC will make sure that we provide the most amazing Bingo experience of the decade. You will be able to join us for dinner at 18:00 and then the SPIngo will start at 19:00. Fill in the form and don't forget to take your medication.
    See you on the 4th of march!
    Please note that only professional bingo players are allowed, we wouldn't want amateurs ruining the evening for us pro players.

  • Hit me SpeBie one more time!

    Get ready to rewind the clock to the 2000s with our 'Hit me SpeBie one more time!' borrel the 7th of March! Dive into nostalgia with extra craft beers, that make you say ''Gimme more'' and vibes straight from the era of flip phones and frosted tips. It's a blast from the past you won't want to miss. Not to forget the borrel relay. Swing by and let's borrel like it's 2000 all over again!

  • ATP Discobowling

    Are you ready to gooooo booowwling with ATP's discobowling?!

  • Study Together Session

    Come study together at ABO’s third study together session of the year!

  • Easter egg hunt

    To extend this year's Easter season, VACUOLES is organising the EASTER EGG HUNT on the 8th of April during the break. Our personal easter bunnies will have hid chocolate eggs all over the backside of the Huygens building. These eggs are yours to keep after the activity! However, you might be challenged by other searchers in a 1v1 minigame to win or lose your eggs to the other person.

  • Knock knock it's cocktail o'clock borrel

    A PRAC borrel, the best time to relieve some stress from the exams and hang out with your friends again. This time we have a special edition borrel for our BeeVee'ers: the knock knock it's cocktail o'clock borrel'. Enjoy some amazing cocktails and mocktails in the professor on the 9th of April!
    Food ordering is possible from 16:00-18:00!!

  • Save the Date: Symposium!

    Save the date for Symci's annual Symposium on the 17th of April! The theme will be "Let it Grow" and the speakers will be announced soon! Stay tuned!

  • Batavierenrace

    On the 24th of May the annual Batavierenrace will once again take place. The Bata is the largest relay race in the world, with nearly 10 000 yearly participants, all of which are students. The race starts in Nijmegen and from there each team will run 175 kilometers, divided over 25 courses, all the way to Enschede.

    Together with our fellow biologists, we will once again participate as our own team: Bellis Perennis. Each participant will run a course, most of which are around 5 to 8 km. When signing up, you also choose a preferred distance based on how much you would like to run. 

    Because we will be using a small van to get everyone to their right starting point, we will also be needing 3 drivers. So, if you don’t like running but still want to participate, you can sign up as a driver. 

    When we arrive in Eschede the Batavieren Festival will be waiting for us. This is the largest student party in the Netherlands. Together with our team we will be staying on the University Campus, and go to the festival together to celebrate making it all the way to Enschede.

    The most important aspect of the Bata is to have fun. You don’t need to be an olympic athlete to compete, and the running itself is only a small part of the Bata. Cheering each other on, the team spirit, and going to the festival together is what makes the Bata such a unique experience. So if you want to participate, you can sign up via the google form.

    If you want to get more of an idea of what the Bata is like, you can also check the 2023 aftermovie.