GASTRO - Guest Appealing Super Talented Restaurant Organisation - the committee for food and culinary arts.


All animals on this planet need the same three things: Oxygen to breathe, water to drink, and last but not least, food to eat. The biologist is of course no exception to this rule. That’s where GASTRO comes in. If it is energy you need for an ATP activity or a good foundation in your stomach for some drinking at a PRAC borrel or Fc party, GASTRO will provide you with the food that you need. 

GASTRO is the committee for food and culinary arts. This young ad hoc committee exists of a group of food fanatics who are always up for a good meal. Although GASTRO has not organised many activities yet, our ambitions are limitless. From nice lunches and dinners to cooking workshops, bake-offs, and movie dinners. 

Besides cooking and eating, we from GASTRO are also interested in the science and philosophy behind the meals we eat. We try to resolve questions such as “What wine pairs best with this dish?” and “Why is vlaai better than apfelstrudel?”

Via our Instagram account beevee_gastro, we provide you with all the food content you need. Recipes for affordable meals, honest reviews of the best restaurants Nijmegen has to offer, and the favourite dishes of your favourite biologists.

As you can see GASTRO has plenty to offer. If you want to get to know a bit more or have some suggestions for activities or something on Instagram, feel free to contact us or tap someone from GASTRO on the shoulder. We hope to see you at one of our activities!

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Chair of GASTRO

Mike Damen

Members of GASTRO

  • Mike Damen
  • Paula Fink
  • Odilia Bayern
  • Nele Borowski
  • Anna Versteden
  • Jet van Bakel
  • Dániel Muzsnay
  • Tomas Nooijen
  • Rebecca Sicard
  • Gijs Bomert
  • Thraso Giannoulakis
  • Boryana Savcheva

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