Many biologists use a binocular.BOS They spy the coastline, on the lookout for albatrosses and dolphins. Ramble through the sand barefoot in the hope of catching a crab or a turtle. Others gaze through a microscope searching for the tiny details of life. Crippling bacteria and the alien landscapes of plant stalks. Some use myriad techniques to unveil invisible molecules. The coverage of biology is immense: it ranges from medically related subjects to environmental courses.

Well… in the end these are all just tools to view life up close. BOS is not only interested in those details, but greatly appreciates the feel of adventure as well. That’s why we, the members of BOS, do our very best to organise a study trip during spring break. Biologists can be found just about anywhere in the world. They come and go in all sorts and sizes and practice hundreds of different specialisations. So, what could be more interesting than getting in contact with biology all around the globe. Being a biologist includes more than just spending a couple of hours in our beloved Huygensbuilding. So come with us and explore the world of biology all around the world!

If this got you interested, take a look at some of our previous trips below (there are day-by-day reports in Dutch and videos with no significant amount of spoken text ^_^).

We will be going to Budapest during the May holidays of this academic year! So make sure to keep an eye on the promo app of BeeVee and the website to get more information!

We are open for questions and fun conversations anytime as well, so just send an email or start chatting if you see us walking around :)

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Previous BOS-trips

Alice van Daal

Alice van Daal
Mark Eijkmans
Marre de Groot
Renske Kamermans
Emma Mayer
Tomas Nooijen
Kate Skorobogatova
Myrthe van Tol
Florine Uunk
Marije Kamp
Zuzka Dobisova
Letizia Natstasi
Mike Damen

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