Commonly we are known as the afternoon drinks (or ‘borrel’ in Dutch) committee, however our full name is Public Relations Activities Committee. Not only because ‘borrels’ are an ideal way of meeting new people and having good conversations, but also because PRAC traditionally attends student graduations. The latter however is taken over by BeeVee’s board today. Nonetheless our activities are of utmost importance to every student, why?

Because it’s essential to get to know your fellow students outside of the lectures of course! Studying is necessary, however time should also be spent on unwinding and having fun. PRAC’s ‘borrels’ guarantee both, furthermore the P stands for PUBLIC so everyone is welcome, regardless of study program, age, or the color of socks you’re wearing. Our activities normally take place in the Student canteens (end of wing 1) between 16:00 and 20:30 (check our Facebook page, or for upcoming activities).

To break the ice we organize extra activities during afternoon drinks like a quiz, beer bingo or karaokeeeeee. Please do take your friends and fellow students with you to our activities so that you can sing, drink and win quizzes together, because no one should drink alone! This way you can meet new people and make your time studying here much more fun!

Since we are all students, we understand you don’t own a fortune and cycle to the university on a golden bike. Don’t sweat, at our ‘borrels’ you can buy a soda for 50 cents and a beer or a glass of wine for 1 euro. Furthermore the hungry students can enjoy free crisps and a sausage on a bun for 50 cents. If it’s not too crowded PRAC will order fries and snacks, this can be done during the borrel itself. 

We hope to see you at one of our borrels soon, so we can join each other in a fun afternoon. Afterwards we might even continue our night downtown, with a small stopover at a snack bar of course!

Mail this committee:


Rosa Zieck

Eduardo Vergara
Fernanda Ormel
Hylke Nijenhuis
Jan Vousten
Jesse van Lon
Max Claessens
Nienke van Melis
Nina Pellenkoft
Renée Schepers
Rijk van den Bosch
Rosa Zieck
Steijn Smit
Wouter de Bloeme
Zara Vonk
Zisis Kolympiótis

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