Cash Audit Committee

The Cash Audit Committee (CAC) is involved in controlling the finances of BeeVee. The accountancies of the treasurer and commissioner of education and study materials (ces) are checked by the CAC. During an audit, all cash, bank accounts and the accountancy itself are verified for any mistakes. The CAC also checks the financial documents and gives an opinion on the documents during the General Meeting of Members (GMM).

The members of the CAC change at the same time as the board and the new CAC-members need the approval of the GMM. Most of the time, the CAC has the following composition: the ex-treasurer, the ex-ces and an active member of BeeVee.

The CAC of 2024 consists of (from left to right) Mandy Lammers, Eline Broekhuis (ces 38th board), Jasper van Boxtel, and Krista Estrada (treasurer 38th board).

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