MOTjE et Al.

MOTjE et Al.

MOTjE et Al. is the committee engaged in making the independent association's magazine of BeeVee, the MOTjE, which is published three to five times per year. Besides that, MOTjE et Al. publishes a yearbook, called the Almanac. 

A large variety of items can be found in a MOTjE! From ‘Nature News’, an informative piece on the latest developments in biology, to interviews with the most diverse kinds of people. From ‘The Pen’, a continuously changing piece of another biology student, to the legendary MOTjEQUOTES, in which the weirdest statements of your fellow biology students are mentioned. In short, something to suit all tastes!

The Almanac is the yearbook of BeeVee, in which we will report all kinds of things that have happened in that year within the association. There are pieces about each month, informative articles about the theme of that year, framed faces of all biology students in the 'smoelenboek', the photocomic and a lot more. Previous Almanacs had, among others, the following themes: surreal, social, and digital. The new Almanac will also become a beautiful, fascinating and fantastic book you wouldn’t want to miss, so be sure to buy the next one!

As editors of MOTjE et Al. we try to entertain and inform you via interesting columns, informative pieces and other articles! Do you have ideas or suggestions? Send us an e-mail!

Mail this committee:

Letizia Muzi

Hazal Dogan
Sophie Hop
Britte Knoben
Lotte Janssen
Františka Petrufova
María Gil Soto
Ari Weinmiller
Camila Delgado Zuvanic
Daniela Alarcón Lopez

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