Day With an Alumnus

Although studying is a lot of fun, it will come to an end one day. What should be your next step after graduation? Where do you want to end up? Many students have no idea what kind of job they would like, even though it is important to adjust your curriculum to your own goals. Do you have no idea where you are heading? Or would you like to explore other possibilities? Then a job experience is what you need! The Alumni committee (Ac) of BeeVee started this project, to give you the opportunity to orientate into the job possibilities for biologists. The project makes it possible to come along with an alumnus to their work for one day. With this personal form of interaction, we hope to give you a more realistic view of what a day at that job could look like and what you could be doing in the future.

Interested in a job experience? Below you can find the functions of the alumni you can join for a day, as well as the administration form. Here you can read a couple of reviews. In case your dream job is not on the list, you can also mail us your interests and let us know what kind of job experience you would like to go on. We will then try to find your perfect match!

If you have any questions, or want more information about one of the functions, mail to


"During the first semester of my master in Water and Environment I talked to two alumni via BeeVee's Alumni Committee project: Job Experience. Due to the pandemic, I unfortunately was not able to join them on their workday. However, BeeVee made it possible that I could meet them online and ask them everything I wanted to know about their job. The first meeting was with a spatial planner working at BEECKK Ruimtemakers, while the second one was with a former employee at the environmental consultancy Arcadis. It was really interesting to hear about their daily work, the things they like and do not like about their jobs. It was inspiring to see how they got from a study at Radboud University to working at their current companies. These meetings were very helpful in better defining my choice for my second master internship."

"In the second year of the Bachelor (Medical) Biology, I joined two alumni on their workday via BeeVee's Alumni Committee project "Job Experience". One day, I joined a (medical) biology teacher at a ROC in Boxmeer, and the other day, I joined a biology teacher and team leader at a high school in Wijchen. The alumni were very enthusiastic to show me around and to tell about their study career and current job. These days were very helpful in making a decision between all the different study and career options and I enjoyed it a lot."

"We had a wonderfull day at MSD. The alumnus showed us such a wide variety of tasks regarding the Implanon. We spoke with people from the production part, the packaging, the recruitment and some other people. We even had the chance to have a look in the factory as the picture already might suggested! It really gave an insight in how you could end up in such a big company when you are graduated from Biology!"


  1. Senior account manager/sales field coach at Cell Signaling
    technology / BIOKÉ

  2. Business Development Manager at Thirona (AI solutions for medical image analysis)

  3. Scientist Molecular Breeding at BASF Vegetables Seeds

  4. City water, climate and environment quality manager at the Municipality of Nijmegen

  5. Area manager at Novochem water treatment

  6. Projectleader at IVN Nature education

  7. Environmental manager at GMB (specialized in Ecology and Permits)

  8. Professor in Clinical Genomics at Maastricht University

  9. Consultant/Team menager at FFUND Bringing innovations in healthcare closer to market.

  10. Biology teacher at Norbertus Gertrudis Lyceum in Roosendaal (Dutch high school, but English speaking students are also very welcome)

  11. Junior project leader at IVN Nature education  (Dutch only)

  12. senior Ecologist at Buiting Advies 

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