UPDATE 27-09-2020 15:30
UPDATE 27-09-2020 15:30
Dear members,
Last Friday, new measurements were announced for the safety region in which Nijmegen lies. They entail that from today onwards, bars won't let anybody in from 00:00 h and they close at 01:00 h. Also all activities with more than 50 attendees require approval by the municipality of Nijmegen.
In the light of these developments and the recent outbreaks in Nijmegen, the board strongly advises everybody to follow the COVID-19 regulations from the RIVM. We also want to emphasise that if you're experiencing any symptoms, you should not come to an activity and that you needn't feel pressured to attend an activity you signed up for. The board would also greatly appreciate it if members who were tested positive on COVID-19 could contact the board, especially if they've recently attended an activity or were at a location an outbreak happened.
Stay safe.
With love,
the 35th board of BeeVee