Important update follwing COVID-19 13-03-2020 12:30h
Important update follwing COVID-19 13-03-2020 12:30h
Dear all,
As of today, new measures are being taken by the Radboud University, which we have to follow. In practise, these measures mean the following for us and all members: the student canteens are closed as of today until at least the 31st of March. This means that the coming borrel of 17-03-2020 will be cancelled. The mentor meeting of 19-03-2020 will also be cancelled, because we want to prevent social contacts as much as possible. Today we had contact with the faculty and they let us know that all study trips for this academic year are cancelled. Sadly, this also includes our BOS-trip. What this means financially for the association and the participants, is yet to be determined. Furthermore, we have decided to advise all committees not to meet each other. Try to discuss urgent matters in small groups or via email. We further want to emphasise to follow the guidelines of the RIVM. These can be found here. To avoid social contact even more, we have decided to cancel all boardroom shifts and biologists evenings until at least 31-03-2020. If you have any questions, you can mail us at or contact us via WhatsApp on our personal phone numbers. Stay safe.
With love,
The 35th board of BeeVee