General Meeting of Members 03-10-2018
General Meeting of Members 03-10-2018
Dear member, We would like to invite you to the biannual general meeting of members (GMM) of BeeVee. The GMM will take place on Wednesday 3rd of October 2018. The GMM will start at 16:30h and you are free to enter the room from 16:00h. From 16:30h till 17:30h the GMM will be in Linnaeus 5 and from 17:30h till 21:30h the GMM will be in HG00.307. We want to apologize for the two different locations, but this was the only way to hold the GMM on this day. The pre-GMM will be on Wednesday 19th of September from 12:30h till 13:30h in HG00.303.
During the GMM, the 33rd board of BeeVee will discuss the ‘Alcohol policy’ and the ‘General terms and conditions membership’. Besides that we want to propose some changes in the ‘House rules’. There will also be a voting on Ac to become a FAC and the ‘Multiyear plan’ will be presented. In addition, the ‘Minutes of the interim-GMM’ will be discussed and we will show the ‘Biannual report’ and the ‘Financial biannual report’.
The GMM-documents are now available on the BeeVee-website. Keep in mind that all the documents are written in English and the GMM will also be in English.
We would like to see you at the biannual GMM!