
Heyoooo Hippo’s. If you landed on this page you are in the beautiful group Hippo’s. The most aggressive land animal known on earth, but funny enough they can’t swim! You will start of your study biology with an amazing orientation week full of fun activities where you will get to know the beautiful city of Nijmegen and your fellow first year students. We hope that you look at much forward to the orientation as us! Now let us introduce ourselves.

Hello hippo’s! My name is Freek. I am a “soon to be” third year student. I will be your daddy of the group. I am a pretty prominent figure in the group usually and have a very active social life in Nijmegen. Music is ingrained in my brain, I played the piano for 10 years, but now I just listen to music. My favs are Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande, Lana del Rey, Gaga, Beyonce etc. etc. I can talk about these artists for hours. Since I live in Nijmegen I also started to love cooking. Mainly asian dishes, especially noodles. My interests in biology lie in DNA and the other small things in biology, so mostly the medical side. I am active in the committees FYC and DIAFRAGMA. FYC is the committee for the first year students. DIAFRAGMA takes pictures of all the activities in BeeVee, you will see them walking around during the orientation week! I am really looking forward to meeting you guys. My orientation week was one of the most fun weeks evaahh, so I want to make it also your best week evaahhhhh!

Hiii soon to be biologists! I am Marije and I will be one of the moms of the group (I sometimes really act like the mom of the group). I am a fourth year student and most interested in the neurobiology and human biology side. Some things about me: I am energetic and a social butterfly (be prepared to have your ears chat off during this week). But I can also be a very good listener and you can always hit me up for a good talk or a shoulder to cry on. I can also be recognized by the fact of my missing backbone, which is one of the reasons you will see me at almost any party or borrel. I am really active within BeeVee and I am part of three committees at the moment. One of them is FYC just like Freek. Next to FYC I am also part of SPIn, the website committee, and BOS, the travel committee that organizes the study trip. I hope that I can make this week one of the best weeks of your life, I most certainly experienced it as one in my own intro and that you will meet great friends with whom you can enjoy your student life together.

Heyooo hippo’s! I am Rosa, 21 years old  and I will be your introduction mom. I am a soon to be third year student and I am interested in the neurobiology and human biology side. I am energetic and love to talk about anything [that is why me and Marije are a good combination together ;)]. In my free time I love to do fun stuff with my friends, do some sports like swimming (not too much), enjoy nature, but what I love to do most is borrelen. That is why I am a proud member of PRAC, a borrel committee. During the intro we will teach you all the basics, also borrelen. I am really looking forward to this week and I hope you do too!