
Hey lovely tadpoles, soon you will be losing your tails and growing strong powerful jumping legs! We are Noémie, Jasper and Lucas and we will be the mentors of group Frog during the orientation week, and to give you an idea of who we are we will shortly introduce ourselves.

Heyo! My name is Noémie, and I'm a third-year biologist from Nijmegen. I'm 21 years old and I love dancing (either in the club or during dancing class), hanging out with friends, reading and I really like playing games. I'm an active member of BeeVee and a member of the amazing game and excursion-committee VACUOLES!! I have chosen to follow the medical biology trajectory, although I love nature as well. I’m happiest when the sun is shining while having a nice picnic in the park or while having a drink outside on a terrace (or as dutchies call it: terrasje pakken). I have been a mentor the past two years as well, and after being part of the Kingfishers and Marigolds I'm really looking forward to being a Frog parent! I am always there to talk to if you want, whether it is about the study, something personal or anything for that matter as I can be a good listener and love chatting. I am sure this week will be something you will never forget, and I look very much forward to meeting you!!

Helloooo, my name is Jasper! I’m 22 years old and a fourth-year biology student. I am a green biologist, with a preference for the animal physiology side of biology and will start my masters in 2 weeks. This will be my first time as a mentor. It’s a bit scary since I never had my own intro (something about Covid) but I am very excited to be your guide in Nijmegen, the introweek but mostly this new chapter in your life. I am fairly active within BeeVee, since I am a member of VACUOLES, like Noémie. Besides BeeVee, I am also active within the Student Scouts Association of Nijmegen, NovioMaguStam, of which I am currently a board member. I am really excited to meet you all in person and I hope you are all as excited as I am.

Haiiii, I’m Lucas, I’m 25 years old, from Nijmegen, and a 6th year biology student. Time flies, they say. I am a member of many committees, such as SPIn (the website committee), with whom I organise loads of fun activities such as lasergaming! I also like hanging out with friends, playing a video game or two and trying to study in between. I myself was quite nervous for my own introduction, but it turned out to be amazing. I want to make sure you guys have an introduction which is just as amazing as my own. I’ll be watching over you, not only because I care about you, but also because I’m very tall :P

We hope you are looking forward to the intro. Be sure to follow the Instagram of our Biology Orientation Committee for updates and fun insights, @beevee_boc! See you on the 18th of August!

Hugs and Kisses,
Noémie, Jasper and Lucas