
Hello to our dearest Eagle eggs! It is time for you to hatch so you can spread your wings and fly to the beautiful city of Nijmegen for your introduction week of Biology! As you are all still developing little chicks and unknown to the city, the study, your fellow students and especially to us, your loving eagle mentors, we will give you a little introduction. 

Your first eagle mentor can’t be stopped on the dancefloor once you pour some liquid courage in her, it is our bright and happy Pleun!

Heyy my darling eagle chicks. I’m Pleun, 20 years old and I’m a second-year biology student. I come from Oss  in the Netherlands, but right now I live in the beautiful Nimma. I like nature and biology of course. I also love playing piano, hanging out with friends and I draw sometimes. I also really enjoy going out with my friends, although I’m not very good at chugging beer (but practice makes perfect;)). Going to the Waal beach with a bottle of wine is also my vibe. I’m so excited to meet you all and we are going to have a lot of fun together!

Then we have your amazing dad, he may have some weak lungs so don’t be surprised if they collapse, but still he is our party animal Tuur!

HEEEEYYY eagle chicks. My name is Tuur, and I am so proud an honored to be your intro mentor for this year’s orientation week. I’m 19 years old and born and raised in the village of Gennep in the simply lovely province of Limburg, the Netherlands. Only now I’m living in the most beautiful city of all: Nijmegen!!! I love to play football, and every now and then I go out for a tour of mountain biking. But of course, I am a student so I love hanging out with my friends or roommates and drinking beers and go out of course ;). I’m looking forward to make this orientation the best start of your student life you like you can ever imagine. We will have the best time of our lives for sure!

Last but not least we have your other mom, she brings energy and life to the party and will hype you up to dance till the sun comes up, it is our sweet Zara!

Hello my lovely little eagle hatchlings. My name is Zara, I’m 20 years old and going into my second-year of biology. I am from the gorgeous city of Utrecht in the Netherlands, but since I live here now, also a proud Nijmegenaar. I really like music, both making it myself by playing instruments and singing, and listening to it. I also love nature, being outside with the sun on my face and all the pretty colors from the animals and plants brings me so much happiness! Next to enjoying all the things probably every biologist likes, I am also a great fan of going out with friends and having some drinks (and since I’m a member of the amazing borrel committee named PRAC, some drinks turn into a bit more than some most of the time;)). I am so excited to be your intro parent this year and I look forward to meet our eagle chickies! 

See you soon!
Lots of love from your beloved parents,

Pleun, Tuur & Zara