
Meet mother Beetle Ella and her two husbands Michiel and Mike. We are happy to announce that you will be in the best intro group of all time, the one and only, hard-working, Rock-n-roling, Dung Beetle family. Now…
Let’s introduce ourselves:

First of all, our queen from the south, otherwise known as Ella Jansma. She is our miss multicultural, half Dutch, half German, and just a sprinkle of Limburgian culture. She is also the traveler of the group. Her navigation skills however…

Hi there my lovely dung beetles!
I am Ella, 20 years old, and currently a first-year biology student. (I will be a second year student)
This is my first time being a mentor and I am veryyy excited to meet you guys! As stated, my nationality is an ongoing identity crisis but just know you can always approach me about anything <3.
I love traveling, gaming, and of course, beating Mike in ping pong every single time.
Apart from that I am also active in the study association as a member of ATP, our sports committee (which is more about being competitive in everything than sports, but still, lots of fun).
If I could give my past self one piece of advice for the orientation week, it would be to not worry and just enjoy because the week will be really fun😊
See you!!!

Then secondly, our own skyscraper named Michiel! Tall as can be, he sees over the entire city, always keeping an eye open for some nice Kraft beers and some good old chick’n nuggets.

Best dung beetles!!! I am Michiel and I am 21 years old. I am from Nijmegen so I can definitely show you around this place! I am a third-year biologist (becoming fourth-year) and I am one of the only students in the trajectory of functional genomics. I do a lot of different sports: I do skateboarding, freerunning, and I enjoy taking walks and participating in the Nijmeegse vierdaagse! Next to this, I am a volunteer for scouting.

I am also very active in BeeVee the study association for Biologists! I am a board member of BeeVee and I have been an introduction mentor the previous year as well. I’m really looking forward to meeting every single one of you and enjoying this amazing orientation together!

And last but not least, he’s Dutch, but yet he isn’t. Our well-rooted, proud Limburger aka Mike Damen!

Hey there dear little Dung Beetles! I'm Mike Damen, the nightingale of The South. Born and raised in the great city of Sint Joost, a village in the smallest piece of the Netherlands. As a proud inhabitant of the most beautiful province of the Netherlands should, I love to eat vlaai and convince everyone of the beauty of Limburg. I'm also a great sports fan. Running, walking, badminton, playing darts, and beating Ella in ping-pong (which sadly doesn’t happen too often) I do it all. Besides sports, I would consider myself an artist, as well in painting and writing as on the dancefloor ;) I am also a big fan of food and cooking for my fellow mentors. You could describe me as a smoothie of positivity, energy, enthusiasm, a loud voice, and Limburgian pride, topped off with some shamelessness. I'm looking forward to sharing my recipe with you all! See you! Joejoe!

Don’t forget to follow our lovely Instagram we made for you guys! @bo_dungbeetles
See you at Intro Week!

Best regards,
Proud Dung Beetle parents
Michiel, Ella & Mike